Red eyes? Really? Last week, I met Bela (pronounced “Bay-La”) like Bela Lugosi, the ORIGINAL Dracula. You know the “classic” Dracula that most people think of when someone says Dracula – scary guy with the widow’s peak?) Bela is a Red-Bellied Poicephalus. I found several meanings of her name (depending on the origins) – like “Within”, “Bright” and “White”. Her owner Sarah mentioned that Bela might mean “”Bringer of Light”. Sounds very sweet, light and calm - very fitting for Bela. Her feathers were a little tight and she clung very close to Sarah at the beginning of the shoot (probably because “Doc” my ol’ Lab came barreling thru the deck sliding door like a ton of bricks!). After spending some time in the backyard enjoying good conversation and the warm Colorado sun, Bela relaxed and “ruffled” her feathers a little. She enjoyed a few snacks (while pooping on poor Sarah every 20 minutes!) and the token peanut (this was for the “big” shot!). We definitely had a sweet and calm afternoon with our red-eyed “Bringer of Light”. Enjoy the red eyes (boy do they POP!)
Have you met a Golden-Eyed Beauty? I spent the afternoon with a tentative golden-eyed beauty on Lookout Mountain. Sweet and cautious….almost Bewildered with the happenings of a busy mountain on a sunny Colorado weekend afternoon. Her floppy ears make me snicker as the wind tossed them about… Shelby was a rescue puppy from the Denver Dumb Friends League. Her silence and contentment to just “be” as children are tugging her ears or splashing water near her resting place was peaceful and calm. You would never know that Shelby’s spirit is in the room unless you caught a glimpse of those Golden eyes staring directly into your soul….thank you Shelby for a calm and relaxing Sunday afternoon in the mountains -
Is Love at first sight possible? Last Tuesday – I met Sadler, a 13 year old Golden Retriever and the sweetest of sweet dogs! I found him passed out in his napping spot at the base of the steps at the beginning of the shoot. He is almost complete deaf so he didn’t hear me come in. I gently touched his face to wake him after a couple of sneaky shots of his paw (he had cancer in his paw and most of his paw was removed! Thank god he is cancer free now!). He immediately started licking my hands (and he didn’t even know me yet). My eyes immediately started to well up with tears. I composed myself and we got the shoot started.
Next – I met Sammy (the younger looking golden). At first we were not going to include him in the shoot. He was new to the owners and he was a rescue dog. Here is a quote from the owner’s daughter (who set up the shoot for a Mother’s Day gift – what an Awesome gift!), “Very sad story, he is a rescue dog, his owner died and it was a bit before they discovered the owner had passed. Sammy was in the home with the deceased owner for many days. He was not very well cared for, the vets believe he was hit by a car and never treated. My parents just had surgery done on him to help some of his orthopedic issues. He is not very friendly, very distrusting, has obviously had a very tough life. This one we can play by ear.” I was a little concerned before the shoot but by the end of the shoot Sammy had warmed up to me and I even got a little neck “scratchin’ and lovin’” going on. Love at first sight? I definitely fell in love with these two guys in a heartbeat! I hope you enjoy the pictures. ;-)
What a night for models and adorable adoptable pets alike! Bow Wow Buddies stole the night away with their sponsor Pure Puppy of Denver. Models in retro recycled clothes from Buffalo Exchange and Wardrobe Works pranced down the runway with sweet pooches that needed a warm permanent home. Willow from Willow's Boutique Salon (one funny chick) styled the model's hair for the event and took our breathe away!
Karen Leigh from CBS Channel 4 and Matthew Taylor from A.C.E. Entertainment emceed the night. Heidi Ganahl, CEO of Camp Bow Wow graced the stage and presented a heart warming story about dogs that need our help here and across the globe.
Bow Wow Buddies Foundation helps dogs that are ill or are neglected. What a fantastic cause to support! I hope you enjoy the photos! These photos will also be published in the June/July 2009 edition of the Mile High Dog Magazine Thanks for your support and love for the four-legged furry guys close to you heart. Woof!